Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Basal cell & my wish for a Bruce Jenner nose

I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to warm weather. The last vestiges of fall have attached themselves to me and give me the blahs. But I'm posting today to urge everyone who comes across my blog, that's right, all 3 of you, to check yourself for any unusual spots. These could be freckles that have gotten bigger, moles that have changed shapes, and other age spots that a body gets. You don't have to be fair-skinned to fall victim to it either, as I found out.

There was this little bump on the right tip of my nose, above the nostril. The dermo biopsied it just to be on the safe side, telling me that because I was Italian, I probably had nothing to worry about. Wrong-O! She called me and told me it was a basal cell skin cancer, "the best skin cancer" she called it. So they set me up with a specialist and he took it off. But not before digging deep. I was hoping he could've whacked a little off here and there (have you seen my nose?), but instead of coming out looking like Bruce Jenner, all I got was a tic-tac sized gauge that a plastic surgeon sewed up. Note: 15 shots of local anesthetic in the old schnozz. Ouch. So now it's a continued life of SPF 500.

Get checked everyone. In case that spot is not the "best skin cancer" and something worse.

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