Monday, March 3, 2008

Who gets your vote?

With a form of Super Tuesday approaching Ohio and Texas, and the empty feeling left for us in Michigan (because the Democratic party from our state and the national post screwed things up) I wonder who people are leaning towards. I still don't know who I'm going to vote for. But the guy who I think would be most fun to draw is Barack. I just added a very distraught, disheveled Hillary. She's got that look that says, "Hey mister! Wait your turn!"

I'll try a McCain at some point, but let me know if you feel like sharing your political leanings.


P. J. Grath said...

Yet another career option for our artistic writer--uh, literary artist--well, YOU!

Joe Borri said...

Thanks Pamela. Does that mean you're casting your vote for Ron Paul in the election? Just kidding. I really am not trying to prod. Just curious about my friends opinions. Snowing up there?

Anonymous said...

Nice stuff Joe... it's fun to look at and looks like you had fun painting the art.

Joe Borri said...

thanks anonymous. appreciate your comments. it was fun. i must confess, in looking for other subjects, kwame kilpatrick, the fair lordship of detroit will be making an appearance.

Anonymous said...

I worry that Hillary is a bit like the Church Lady--or at least she dresses like her! She seems to change her personality every day, so who knows what we'd get?

Obama gives good speech, but can he make good policy?

But I will take her over any Republican any day.

PS: Your images are right on. xoxox

Joe Borri said...

Thanks for chiming in. Trying to load a new Hillary in winning gear, but it's taking forever. Keep a look out.